Free Firewood

for Seniors

Free Firewood

for Seniors

and Low-Income Families in Need

and Low-Income Families in Need

Your Support Makes a World of Difference

Yuba Sutter Senior Services is a non-profit group focused on helping seniors and citizens in need of assistance gain a better sense of security by providing needed services, including free firewood for maintaining warm homes in the winter.


Keeping Our Community Warm With Free Firewood



Yuba Sutter Senior Services is focused on providing free firewood to those who need it most. We locate trees to be removed, identify and prioritize recipients of firewood, harvest the trees, process them into firewood, and deliver that firewood at no cost to grant recipients.

Our Focus

We help seniors, families, and community members in need  break the cycle of poverty by empowering people of all ages to stay warm, aspire and achieve.


Recent wildfires have left large numbers of standing dead trees that could provide fuel for wood-burning home heating systems. Felling these trees, making them into firewood and delivering that wood to needy citizens will help many Yuba County residents make ends meet, at the same time as reducing the hazards posed by standing dead trees falling on people, houses and roads.


Yuba County California has a population of more than 72,000 residents, many of whom qualify for public assistance. In and around the County seat of Marysville there are thousands of elderly people on fixed incomes, families with young children and other needy citizens who struggle to pay for basic expenses including heating their homes.


Cooperation is paramount to the success of any successful community. Providing free firewood to keep our neighbors warm is an essential step to ensuring a bright future. 

Trees to be harvested will be identified through consultation with local residents and fire departments. Recipients of firewood will be identified, and delivery schedules will be formulated in cooperation with the Yuba County Health Department

Take Action

Volunteer your energy, talents or resources to bring warmth and hope to those who need it in Yuba and Sutter County, California. 

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